Infinitive Phrases: Understanding Their Structure and Functions

Infinitives Phrase

Infinitives Phrase
Infinitives Phrase 

Table 1: Outline of the Article

1. Introduction

2. What Are Infinitive Phrases?

2.1 Structure of Infinitive Phrases

2.2 Examples of Infinitive Phrases

3. Functions of Infinitive Phrases

3.1 Subject Complements

3.2 Adjective Complements

3.3 Adverbial Complements

4. Using Infinitive Phrases in Writing

4.1 Adding Emphasis

4.2 Expressing Purpose

4.3 Indicating Obligation

5. Common Mistakes with Infinitive Phrases

6. Conclusion

7. FAQs


Infinitive phrases play a vital role in English grammar, enhancing sentence structure and adding depth to writing. Whether you're a student, a professional writer, or someone looking to improve your English skills, understanding infinitive phrases is essential. In this article, we'll explore the structure, functions, and usage of infinitive words in detail.

What Are Infinitive Phrases?

Infinitive phrases are groups of words that include an infinitive verb (to + base form of the verb) along with any modifiers or complements. They function as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs in a sentence, providing additional information or clarifying the purpose or action of the subject.

Gerund Phrase

Structure of Infinitive Phrases

An infinitive phrase typically consists of the word "to" followed by a base form of the verb. For example:

To swim

To eat

To explore

Modifiers or complements can be added to the infinitive phrase to provide more context. These modifiers may include adverbs, adjectives, or even noun phrases. For instance:

To swim in the ocean

To eat a delicious meal

To explore new territories

Examples of Infinitive Phrases

Infinitive phrases can be used in various ways to convey different meanings. Here are a few examples:

1. To sing in front of an audience requires confidence.

2. She was excited to meet her favorite actor.

3. He needs more time to complete the project.

4. The dog jumped over the fence to chase the squirrel.

Functions of Infinitive Phrases

Infinitive phrases serve several functions in a sentence, contributing to its overall meaning and structure. Let's explore the different parts of infinitive words:

Subject Complements

Infinitive phrases can function as subject complements, providing additional information about the sentence's subject. They help describe or define the topic. Consider the following examples:

Her goal is to become a successful entrepreneur.

The best decision is to pursue higher education.

Adjective Complements

Infinitive phrases can also act as adjective complements, modifying or providing more information about a noun or pronoun. They help answer questions like "what kind?" or "which one?" Here are some examples:

She is eager to learn new skills.

They bought a car to travel around the country.

Adverbial Complements

Infinitive phrases function as adverbial complements, describing an action's purpose, intention, or result. They add clarity and specificity to the sentence. Consider these examples:

He woke up early to catch the sunrise.

She exercised daily to stay healthy


Using Infinitive Phrases in Writing

Understanding how to use infinitive phrases effectively can significantly enhance your writing. Let's explore some common ways in which infinitive phrases can be utilized:

Adding Emphasis

Infinitive phrases can be employed to add emphasis to a particular action or intention. Using an infinitive expression, you can highlight the importance or significance of an effort. For example:

To truly succeed, you must dedicate yourself to your goals.

The key to happiness is to live in the present moment.

Expressing Purpose

Infinitive phrases are often used to convey the purpose or intention behind an action. They help provide clarity and context to the reader. Consider these examples:

I went to the store to buy some groceries.

They are studying hard to pass their exams.

Indicating Obligation

Infinitive phrases can express obligation or necessity. They convey a sense of duty or requirement concisely. Take a look at these examples:

Employees are expected to arrive on time.

We must help those in need.

Common Mistakes with Infinitive Phrases

While infinitive phrases are a valuable tool in writing, they can also be misused. Let's address some common mistakes to avoid:

1. Split Infinitives: A split infinitive occurs when an adverb is placed between "to" and the base form of the verb. While it was traditionally considered incorrect, modern usage allows for split infinitives if they improve clarity or emphasis. For example: "She decided to quickly finish the task."

2. Confusing Infinitives with Gerunds: Infinitives are verbs preceded by "to," while gerunds are verb forms ending in "-ing" used as nouns. It's important to differentiate between the two. For instance: "He loves to swim" (infinitive) vs. "Swimming is his favorite activity" (gerund).

3. Lack of Parallelism: Ensure they maintain parallel structure when using multiple infinitive phrases in a sentence. For example: "She likes to read, to write, and to paint."

4. Misplacing Modifiers: Be mindful of placing modifiers correctly within the infinitive phrase. Ensure the modifier describes the intended action accurately. For instance: "He woke up early to exercise" (correct) vs. "He woke up to early exercise" (incorrect).


Infinitive phrases are versatile linguistic tools that enhance sentence structure, clarity, and emphasis. Whether aiming to express purpose, indicate obligation, or add stress, correctly understanding and utilizing infinitive phrases can significantly improve your writing.

Remember to incorporate them effectively and avoid common mistakes like split infinitives or misplacing modifiers. With practice, you'll develop a strong command of infinitive phrases, elevating your writing to a higher level of sophistication and clarity.



Q1: Can infinitive phrases be used as standalone sentences?

No, infinitive phrases alone do not form complete sentences. They require additional words to complete the meaning.

Q2: Are infinitive phrases limited to written English, or can they be used in spoken language too?

Infinitive phrases are widely used in both written and spoken English. They contribute to effective communication in various contexts.

Q3: Can an infinitive phrase be the subject of a sentence?

Yes, an infinitive phrase can serve as the subject of a sentence. For example: "To travel the world is her lifelong dream."

Q4: Can an infinitive phrase have its objects?

Yes, an infinitive phrase can have its objects. These objects further describe or complete the action expressed by the infinitive. For example: "She wants to buy a new car."

Q5: Are there any exceptions to using "to" as the marker for infinitive phrases?

Yes, a few exceptions exist where "to" is not used. These exceptions include certain modal verbs like "can," "could," "may," "might," "shall," "should," "will," "would," "must," and "ought to." For example: "He should leave now."


In conclusion, understanding infinitive phrases is essential for effective writing and communication. They add depth and clarity to your sentences, allowing you to express purpose, obligation, and emphasis. By utilizing infinitive phrases correctly and avoiding common mistakes, you can enhance the quality of your writing and engage your readers more effectively.

Remember to practice using infinitive phrases in various contexts and explore their versatility. As you become more proficient, you'll incorporate them seamlessly into your writing, making it more engaging and impactful.


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(Prepared by Sir Arshad) 

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